Housecleaning Roulette
As I mentioned in a previous post, my bookgroup read The City of Falling Angels by John Berendt this past month. I didn't finish the book, but in chapter 2, there's a passage that reads:
On one occasion I set about testing this notion by concocting a game called "photo roulette," the object of which was to walk around the city taking photographs at unplanned moments -- whenever a church bell rang or at every sighting of a dog or cat -- ...."
This made me think that we're usually so busy that we don't take time to notice our surroundings. And at the same time I'd been thinking that I haven't posted very many pictures of my "corners". AND, I was cleaning the other day to get ready for my quilty peeps. So, when I combined all three of those items, I decided to play my own little game of housecleaning roulette. I decided that, while I was cleaning, I'd set the timer for every 30 minutes, and wherever I was, I'd stop and take a picture of something that was near me. (Don't worry, there's no way I'm going to post bathroom photos -- so I cleaned the bathroom at the beginning, before the first buzzer.)12:35 p.m. Just moved into the bedroom and ready to strip the bed. I didn't have a picture to put above the bed, so a few years ago, I put our monogram there instead. (I know, I know...Emily Post wouldn't approve -- TheManoftheHouse has his initial first. But it's my wall and I can put the letters in any order I want -- it's not like it's stationary or anything...)
1:05 p.m. In the middle of dusting the bedroom. A corner of the bedroom. Very uncomfortable old rocker, but it rocked my babies to sleep for many years, so I'm sort of attached to it. It's currently rocking my quilts that need bindings. (They've only been there for a few years -- maybe I could get those done as part of my "complete 3 unfinished projects" winter goal???)
1:35 p.m. OK. By now I was done with the bedroom and bathroom and took a little break to check e-mail and I'm in the computer room. Here's a little bunny that I got for Christmas.
2:25 p.m. (Sorry...the break went a little long ;-) ) Picking stuff up in the family room. I'm by the bookcase.
2:55 p.m. Dusting in the family room. (Which begs the you dust then vacuum, or vacuum then dust?) When I look up I see my little sock knitting bag that I have to keep on top of the wall unit so TheEmptyNestChild won't get into my yarn.
3:25 p.m. I'm now in the kitchen area where our table is. (This is my favorite room 'cause it's the easiest to clean -- do the floor, dust the pie safe and it's done!) The Pinochio came from a school fundraising auction one year -- I don't remember what the theme was, but there was a big Pinochio as a centerpiece at each table.
3:55 p.m. Now in the kitchen. Note the gingerbread house still sitting there. You'll be happy to know I finally threw it out! (And who was the rocket scientist who thought tile on countertops was a good idea? How can you roll out pie crusts or cookies or anything?-- someday when we're out of tuition hell, it will be replaced!)
By now this post has gone on long enough and I was almost done anyway. Sorry so long...I probably should have split this into two posts.... Set your timer and see what's around you!
1 comment:
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your monogrammed wall! That is so cute! Hmm think I might have to do that.
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