The very fun and interesting Meggie has tagged me to do the random posts. Like Meggie, I've already done a random post which I turned into a list of random UFOs. This time, the topic works out, 'cause I seem to only have a bunch of randomness to talk about!
1. I hope everyone in the U.S. has a wonderful 4th of July. We had a great time with family and friends at a cookout. We played basketball, volleyball, and cornhole. And cooked and ate lots.
2. I know it's been raining like crazy in other parts of the country/world, but here in the midwest, it's dry, dry, dry. My flowers are very happy that I have a hose.
3. Yesterday, Daisy Cottage said "It's Friday already! Now, how did that happen?" Forget Friday. It's JULY already! HOW did THAT happen??? (Furthermore, wasn't it just yesterday that we were planning big parties for the turn of the century??? How did 2007 happen???)
4. When we moved back to Indiana from Minnesota, my boys lived with my sister for a month so they could get going in their new school while we attended to move details. Somehow, she managed to teach them to take their shoes off at the door. What a great gift that was! After we got settled, I painted a big bucket for everyone to dump their shoes in.
5. I love it when my little big boys are home. TheSecondChild is home for the July 4th break. He brought lots of laundry with him. When he dumped it on the laundry room floor he said "Look Mom! Aren't you proud of me -- I even brought my bedding!" Yes, dear, I'm very proud that you've remembered that sheets need washing too!
6. Why is it that in art and needlework the thistle is so beautiful, but in our gardens, it's a weed? By the time I saw this little weed, it was waist high, so I decided to leave it to see how pretty the blooms are. I can't decide quite how long to let it go -- though I think the end is near.
7. I've had a great time these past few days being off work. Just lazing around -- a little cooking, sewing, reading -- all the things I love to do. I'd like to figure out how to have the whole summer off. Then maybe I could add a little cleaning/organizing to the list. The sewing room organization appears to be stalled at the moment!
8. I think I'll follow Meggie's lead on number 8. I do enjoy this blogging community. "Meeting" so many people from all around the world. I just love the opportunity it provides to see how much alike, yet different we all are. And I think of my Grandma who probably never even went anywhere on an airplane. How much fun she would have had to be able to "talk" to women so far away. We're SO very lucky!
Now. Hmmm. Tagging is the hardest part for me and I'm not managing to come up with 8 more people to tag. I think most everyone I know has done this already. So, I'll use the standard lame line...if you haven't posted random things yet, or for that matter, if you want to do it again, then consider yourself tagged!