Randi at I Have to Say is once again hosting Let's Get Real Monday. Posting a dirty closet last time was a piece of cake compared to our assignment this week. ;-) Randi! What are you thinking??? I mean, seriously Randi. It’s Get Real Monday – Get Real!!! (And I mean that in the nicest way!) Do you have any idea how hard this topic is for me? I love everything. I have favorites of everything. This is a huge topic – Randi, were you thinking this would be easy???
Think about it – how many times do we use “favorite” in our normal everyday conversations? “Hey, there’s my favorite store.” Or, “This is my favorite poem.” Or you ask someone for a recommendation, “Who’s your favorite plumber?”, “Who’s your favorite Dr.?”, or “Who’s your favorite caterer?” (Ok, maybe that one’s a stretch, just had to throw it in there.) Or someone is trying to get to know you…”What’s your favorite book?" Movie? Food? Dessert? Main Dish? Ice Cream? Vegetable? Holiday? Hobby? TV show? How ‘bout your favorite president? Place to live? Vacation destination? Mode of transportation? Maybe your favorite yarn? Needle? Applique technique? Quilt that you’ve made? Quiet place to do your needlework? Place to sit and think? Or to the everyday…your favorite cleaning product? Brand of laundry detergent? Type of salt? Kind of cat litter???? Heck, I even have a favorite tooth. A few years ago it broke and I begged the dentist. “Mr. Dentist, puh-leeeez fix it – it’s my favorite tooth!” Speaking of personal favorites, how ‘bout my favorite way to annoy TheManoftheHouse? Or favorite way to tease TheEmptyNestChild? And people are totally off limits. Can you pick a favorite child? Relative? Friend? Or HeavenForbid – a favorite blog??? (There’s No Way that could ever happen!) Do you see the problem here? This list could go on forever.
Technically, I could have a slam dunk here. I’ve already got a head start in this category – I could just defer you to my "favorites" category in the side bar. You can check out my favorite cookie, chair, baby gift, and hostess gift. And there are many more favorites planned for the future. But in the meantime, I’ve been tortured by favorites all weekend. Like the good and bad angels that sit on your shoulders, they’ve been yelling at me. “Pick me! Pick me! Me!Me!Me!Me!!!”
But finally, I slept on it. I took a deep breath. I said, let’s think about this here blog. Its name is Thimbleanna. Hmmm, thimble. There’s been little mention of thimbles here, so, perhaps it's time to bring them up. I do have a very small collection of sterling silver thimbles. My mother started me collecting them and she has a bigger, very small collection of sterling silver thimbles. And in my very small collection, I do have a favorite:

In 1998, we took our boys and my parents back to Germany to see where we’d lived many years ago, and we went to the Thimble Museum (or Fingerhut Museum as it’s said in German – isn’t that cute? Finger in German is finger, and Hut is hat – you get finger hat!) in Creglingen, Germany. It’s just a little one-room museum, but it’s very close to Rothenburg o.d. Tauber which is a big tourist attraction, so, while in the area, it’s well worth the visit. Especially if you love fingerhats like we do. Anyway, we bought this thimble there and I love it because of the sewing scenes.
So, there. I found a favorite. And Randi, how ‘bout a little break for the next Get Real Monday? Maybe we could list bad habits? Projects? Hmmm. I see your problem. Life is just too BIG.